There are villains and there are traitors, but a traitorous villain will always itch that spot in our brains. An antagonist who will do anything and everything to achieve their goals is something that, when done well, just works. Dimension 20 knows how to do this perfectly.
Introducing Lord Calroy Cruller, the surprise villain to the wonderful campaign ran by Brennen Lee Mulligan. For those who haven’t watched A Crown of Candy, Lord Calroy was revealed to have been the mastermind of multiple mysterious deaths, the backer behind some loose ends, and overall bad guy. The Marquis of Muffinfield’s mask was tossed aside when he pushed his “best friend”, a player character by the name of King Amethar, off the top of a castle!
This fan favorite character quickly became a fan favorite villain. After the show ended, Dimension 20 hosted an auction that saw each of the characters sold off to the highest bidder. Of course, one Lord was highly sought out after by the fanbase of Dimension 20. But after the heat of the auction wore down, the trail of Calroy went dark. That was until I ran into the @whereiscalroy X (formerly known as Twitter) page while scrolling through my daily feed.
Where is Dimension 20’s Lord Calroy?
A better question to ask would be “Where is he not?” because the Marquis has been on the move. I interviewed Sam of @kindlestuck, one of the original members of @whereiscalroy/Calroy Collective, and asked how this all happened.
“It started out as a pipe dream, but there was a lot of encouragement from friends who donated. We got a lot of last-minute donations from people who were complete strangers, but wanted to help out—to this day I’m overwhelmed by their generosity!”
Things were going great for the collective, this micro-community raised over $8,500 dollars to put towards the auction. The Calroy Collective came together and began to place their bids on Lord Calroy Cruller. They placed bid after bid, waited hours and hours. Until disaster struck…

“So while we didn’t win the auction itself, I’m glad that we got the opportunity to give back to the D20 community that helped fund us. We donated to a bunch of community members who had posted GoFundMes, like Persephone.”
The bid had surpassed their pool of money and actually ended being sold for $11,201 after 96 bids were placed. But this is no where near the end of Lord Calroy’s journey with the Calroy Collective.
“Andrew Bridgman is the one who reached out via the Dimension 20 account to surprise us with a second Calroy mini. It’s still kind of unbelievable to me that the D20 crew knew what we were up to at all. Initially they actually asked us if we would like a modification to the mini to signify that it was special, but a couple postal mishaps meant that fell through. The new Calroy was finally shipped to us in Chicago, and Calroy’s journey around the world began!”
The Journey Has Just Begun!
Since the moment that the Marquis was cloned and shipped off, he has been exchanged from one person to the next. The Calroy Collective swore to share the miniature between everyone who was involved and new people every day! Calroy has been to places like Niagara falls, Broadway, Chicago, and in the loving palms of the two gentleman below.
“It’s a mix of different factors like shipping cost and travel plans, but we try to do our best to make sure Calroy spends the least possible time in the post, and more time on the road with our beloved organisers! We have people in all continents around the world, and it’s just about figuring out the best route for Calroy to take from place to place as different circumstances arise. I’m not sure if this will be revealed by the time this article goes up, but he’s finally made his way out of North America and into South America (but that doesn’t mean he won’t return!)”
I would take a moment here to encourage you to check out the community that has formed around this little traitor (here at @whereiscalroy) because not only is it hilarious, but it is a testament to what the Dimension 20 community is all about: friendship and having a good ol’ time.
“Other fun things to mention: Calroy’s currently travelling in a little box with a Polaroid camera, keeper interview cards, a journal, and an international tracker. Occasionally, our organizers send little gifts to each other alongside him!”
On top of that, it must take an agonizing amount of organization and trust for the mini to be shipped to so many different people all across the world. For that, Knight’s Digest commends you Calroy Collective!

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If you want to see more of the Marquis than just his X page, Sam had this to say:
“If you wanna check out more Calroy hijinks and catch a glimpse of the phenomenon that got us to where we are today, I’m going to take this opportunity to plug ‘A Gentlemen’s Guide to Treason’, a free collaborative zine made by a bunch of us in the collective and fandom:“.
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