The Best Auction So Far: Dimension 20’s Freshman Year Sale

Dimension 20 Auction
Cast of Dimension 20: Fantasy High

How hard is it to believe that Fantasy High: Freshman Year came out six years ago? It was one of the first Dungeons and Dragons shows produced by College Humor (now known as Dropout) and introduced us to one of the community’s most beloved DM’S, Brennen Lee Mulligan! Not to forget to mention our Intrepid Heroes, Ally Beardsly, Brian Murphy, Emily Axford, Lou Wilson, Siobhan Thompson, and Zac Oyama!

Now a piece of that history can be yours! Check out the original announcement of the Dimension 20 Auction (link to original announcement here).

Auction Announcement

Brennen Lee Mulligan announced on the Dimension 20 TikTok that the miniatures used for for Freshman Year have been in storage for the past 6 years and have been collecting dust! Sounds like a perfect time to dust those bad boys off and send them off to the auction house!

The miniatures used that “set the precedent for everything we’ve done since”, as Brennen Lee Mulligan described, will be available for 5 days, separated by multiple different waves of auctions, before they are sent off to the highest bidder.


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New Auction Item’s Available

Before going into the new items available, what is the usual lineup of auction items available?

Like last time, miniatures that belonged to both the player characters (our Intrepid Heroes) and all of the GM’s lovable NPC’s were up for bidding. While that will still be the case, Dimension 20 revealed some exciting new items available for us to bid on. In total, you should expect about 85 different item lots to look at.

Battle Sets

Dimension 20 Auction
One of the Battle Sets is available to bid on as shown in the auction trailer.

For the first time, portions of the battle set will be available to bid on! Some sneak peeks included the cafeteria fight, the car/motorcycle chase, the stage, and band that played prom!

To sweeten the deal, some NPCs will also be included in these sets. I am personally most excited for the tableaux that include the sick-looking car from the chase scene in the Rumble Road episode.

DM Screen

That isn’t all. They will also be listing off portions of the DM Screen itself!

Dimension 20 Auction
One of the DM Screen portions available to bid on as shown in the auction trailer.

All items that will be bid on were designed and made by Rick Perry, Sabrina Wichner, Nathan Villareal, Shane Brockway, Keri Palmetto, Josh Spooner, and Alex Serros.

How Much Should You Expect to Spend on the Dimension 20 Auction?

There will actually be several different ways for you to get your hands on one of the miniatures from the upcoming auction.

The first way is probably the easiest, cheapest, and least likely. Dimension 20 announced that they would be giving away a handful of these minis to those who sign up to their newsletter. After you do that, you can expect a golden ticket in your mailbox, or more likely, a newsletter of recent events! Either way, worth a shot, right?

The second way is to go to your bank and let them know that “yes, the obscene amount I am spending on miniatures was in fact me”. Thanks to u/TheDevilsSeraph, we have auction results data from the last auction, which could give us a range on how much we can expect.

As mentioned in our article, Where is Dimension 20’s Greatest Villain Now? Perhaps Near You!, the Calroy miniature ended up selling for $11,201. It’s a very steep price for even the most hardcore of fans.

Dimension 20 Auction
Vice Principal Goldenhoard, available for bidding as shown in the trailer.

But According to the data set we collected from Reddit, you can expect to cash out either $600 for a basic miniature like the sold Candy Villager, or upwards of $2,000 like the Blue Cheese Axeman that was sold. That is only for the side characters and unimportant NPCs. If you’re looking to get one of the Intrepid Heroes miniatures, you’re probably looking to spend upwards of $4,000-$8,000 like Princess Jet Rocks and King Amathar of House Rocks. If you’re a data nerd like me, I’d recommend looking at this Reddit thread for more info (Reddit Thread).

With the popularity and “historical” significance of this set, I feel pretty confident in thinking that it will probably soar in price in comparison to past auctions. Especially since it will be hosting new items bigger and bolder than past auctions.

When Will It Take Place?

As mentioned online and in the trailer, there will be three separate auctions throughout March.

As detailed in the table below, each wave will last 5 days. Starting on a Monday, and ending that Friday. If we follow the trends from last year, they usually save the best stuff for the last week. But with so many different item varieties, we might see some new emerging trends

WaveBidding StartsBidding Ends
1March 4thMarch 8th
2March 11thMarch 15th
3March 18thMarch 22nd
Bidding Dates

Where Will the Dimension 20 Auctoin Take Place

Like last time, the auction will be taking place ( on their website.

Where Will The Money Go?


As the video stated, 100% of the profits from the Dimension 20 Auction will go to Palestine Children’s Relief Fund. PCRF envisions a world where all children in the Middle East have access to quality medical care, humanitarian aid, and specialized surgical procedures. As an active source of aid in Gaza, their mission is to provide medical and humanitarian relief collectively and individually to children throughout the Levant, regardless of their nationality or religion. You can do more to support by going to

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