Let’s face it. When it comes to crafting, magical components, or anything that can add tedious hours just to craft a single item most DM’s choose to ignore this rule. With Dungeons and Dragons getting revamped in 2024, should we as DM’s and Players start to pay attention to the details?
We are going to go over every major crafting rule change and what you need to know to get crafting with the new Player’s Handbook 2024. Information is condensed but provided by D&D Beyond here.
Want to read about everything coming to the Player’s Handbook? Check out 2024 Player’s Handbook Was Released – What’s New?
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We’re going to introduce a summary of every topic that is covered with a few examples of each. There will be several different methods, like the Crafter Origin Feat. With this feat you are able to craft some potions quickly with the herbalism kit or disguises with the Disguise kit. This is due to having proficiency with the tool and being able to craft the item from the tool list.
First things first-
How Does Crafting Work?
Any nonmagical item being crafted must have half the total cost of the item in material on hand. In the 2014 Player’s Handbook, you could work towards the item in 5gp increments. With the revamp, you can now put in 10gp worth of progress a day into whatever you are crafting.
For example- let’s say you just have captured an enemy and have locked them away in your new bastion housing that was introduced. You want to transport them but seem to not have any armor to face against anyone trying to free your prisoner.
Splint Armor in DND cost 200 gold pieces. If you are wanting to make them yourself, you would need at least 100gp in material and it will take 10 days to craft the armor.
Using The Tools
Tools will now be tied to one ability score. When using an ability check with said tool you can also add your Proficiency Bonus if proficient with the tool being used. The new rules that have been implemented give you options from a tool list as long as you have proficiency, but you do not need it for an ability check.
Each tool will come with its own list that will let you, the player, know what you can do when you use a Utilize action (along with a DC for the action). For example, with Mason Tools you can chisel a peephole or dissuade bandits by burning the bridge behind you with Alchemist Supplies.
Building Applications in D&D 2024
Magic Users
One of the big issues for my players and myself would have to be when magic users are trying to get access to spell scrolls. Wizards of the coast has made a solution to this nagging issue.
Calligrapher’s Supplies will probably be one of the most insisted upon items from my shop NPCs. For the cost of 10 gold pieces, you will be able to create as many Spell Scrolls as you can fit into that bag of holding. Those with the Artisan, Acolyte, Sage, and Scribe backgrounds will give you proficiency in using these tools
This sadly is not as broken as some devilish characters might think. Crafting costs still apply, you still need to have the spell you’re going to scribe, and you will need it each day you are working.
In the 2014 Player’s Handbook, we were originally only able to craft nonmagical items in downtime. With the 2024 Handbook, it will be similar to Xanathar’s Guide to Everything ruleset. Using the Scribing a Spell Scroll rule set, you will be able to scribe a scroll in downtown. Check out the tables here.
Overall it should be cheaper, with homemade spell scrolls using the DC and attack bonus of the crafter.
Smith Tools
Battle Master Fighter (say that three times fast) gains the Student of War feature at level 3. This gains the right to be proficient with Artisan’s Tools. With these tools at hand (haha), you will get a surprisingly decent list of items to craft.
One of the most exciting features with everything being added would have to be the roleplaying possibilities. With these tools players can spend their time at the campfire making weapons or armor created for the next upcoming fight.
Smith’s Tools can craft any Melee weapon, Medium and Heavy Armor. Those found in dungeons littered with rust can be restored to their better days. Some other applications you can choose from? Bullets, sling ammo, ball bearings, and grappling hooks are just the beginning.
Some tools that pair nicely with Smith’s Tools could be the Weaver and Leatherworker’s Tools. Being able to design, repair, or decorate clothing and armor will bring customization to Dungeons and Dragons.
Forward Unto Adventure!
We have a lot to be excited about with the new ruleset that is still coming out at the time of this article. We have so far received the Players and Dungeon Masters Guide, with the Monster Manual set to release in February 2025.
Whether you play 5th edition or will be trying out the new rules there is one thing for certain. Wizards of the Coast are expanding and seemingly listening to their fanbase. We at Knight’s Digest can’t wait and will continue to write on the ever-evolving rulesets.
If you liked this article, check out what else is coming to Dungeons and Dragons OneD&D:
Make sure to check out this video posted by Wizards of the Coast talking more about what is happening in the D&D universe!

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