Wake Up and Smell the Spices
Dune’s dynasty defines what every film fanatic hopes to receive out of a film; to be completely and consistently immersed. Director Denis Villeneuve seems to know exactly how to captivate an audience. Leaving them with the overwhelming feeling of wanting more. A commanding use of composing was done by the critically acclaimed Hans Zimmer. The cinematography with this composite of music draws you into your seat with the feeling of trying desperately to take it all in.
I think anyone can agree that this is a monumental task. Most films can make audiences feel on the edge of their seats, though some may be in readiness to leave. Specifically, those that have longer run times. After finally getting around to seeing it a few days after release, I can say that I wanted more. All while being aware that the Dune: Part Two already has a run time of almost three hours.
What Happened in Dune: Part One?
To appreciate the masterpiece of this sequel, we must first look into the buildup that was Dune: Part One. The film starts with a short prologue from Chani – Played by Zendaya. The introduction shows the sands and *cough* *cough* dunes of the planet Arrakis, spice glittering in the sunlight.
The differences in battle and fighting power are shown clearly within the first minutes, with Chani saying they had been there long before she was even born. The flagship dark suits and pale skin of the House Harkonnen are seen marching across the screen. Vast lands of spice harvesters litter the screen showing the overwhelming magnitude of the difference in fighting power.
House of Atreides

We then move across the galaxy to the homeworld of House Atreides, the planet Caladan. The Atreides family is led by Duke Leto Atreides, Lady Jessica, and their son Paul (played by Oscar Isaac, Rebecca Ferguson, and Timothee Chalamet respectively). The land (or lack of) that spreads out before them is that of an oceanic planet.
So of course this means that they fit the job perfectly for taking over and running a desert terrain planet.
There comes a message that they must leave their planet and take control of Arrakis from House Harkonnen. This is seen as an amazing but melancholy opportunity. Spice is the power source of the universe, primarily the main function of space travel, which is only found on Arrakis. To be able to take charge of it all should of course be an honor, as it even made the previous owners (House Harkonnen) richer than the emperor. This is all due to their acts of service/loyalty and to appease some of the other houses that favored House Atreides. Of course, leaving one’s homeworld is never an easy task.
Arrival on Arrakis
With the future in their grasp (literally in terms of spice), they arrive with excitement. Hoping to be able to change the barren “wasteland” of sand into a planet that can eventually by prosperous and peaceful.
But with all politics, there was no easy transfer of power. The Baron Vladimir Harkonnen, played by Stellan Skarsgård, and head of House Harkonnen was very disgruntled by the fact that this cash cow and honor had been taken from them.
During this political intrigue, we learn more about Paul, our main protagonist. Paul Atreides, the son of Duke Leto Atredies, was not too keen to leave his homeworld. While on the planet Arrakis, Paul begins to have a few strange experiences.
The Bene Gesserit Sisterhood
Paul’s mother, Lady Jessica, has not been entirely truthful. Early on, after his arrival on the new planet, Paul is introduced to Reverend Mother Gaius Helen Mohiam.
Reverend Mother Gaius Helen Mohiam is part of the Bene Gesserit Sisterhood, which is a secretive and very powerful organization that Lady Jessica has been a part of. I did not realize the mass scale of their power until I watched Dune: Part Two, which shows that their behind-the-scenes power is even greater than the emperor. Nonetheless, even now their true structures of power are mainly unknown.
During this meeting with the Reverend Mother, Paul is administered a test to see his potential, a rite of passage for those in the Bene Gesserit. This rite is meant to test the emotions and mentality of the person, with any sign of failure resulting in death. It is simple, keep the hand in the box and endure the pain of Gom Jabbar. This pain is astounding, distorting Paul’s face. Visions flood into his mind, like sand in the wind gone in an instant. All while Reverend Mother has a poison needle pointed right at his neck.
Moments pass, and Paul collects himself and shows a fortress of willpower in the face of the one who administers the pain. The test ends with an impressed look coming from the Reverend Mother. She concludes that Paul possesses the potential to be the Kwisatz Haderach, a prophesied super-being with extraordinary abilities. With that Reverend Mother leaves Lady Jessica with her confused child.
The Betrayal
Months pass as they try to make “peace” and get spice production up, with the Fremens destroying and still attacking spice harvesters when they pop up. All in the background, political schemes were being planned.

In the dead of the night, the House Atredies is attacked without warning. All with the help of Dr. Yueh, who had planted a poison tooth into the mouth of Duke Leto Atreides. This could be activated at any time with a signal that could only be sent by Dr. Yueh. We find out that Dr. Yueh’s wife had been kidnapped by the House Harkonnen, with the promise of safety if they followed the Baron’s instructions.
During the ensuing battle, many died, among those were many faithful to House Atreides. With the death of Duke Leto, Lady Jessica and Paul escape into the desert. For the rest of the movie, we watch as they join a Fremen group. This is where we meet Stilgar and his lieutenant Chani (played by Javier Bardem and Zendaya).
Paul begins to appreciate and follow the ways of the Fremen. Gaining the trust of the group, all while experiencing the visions due to the spice of the desert. Setting the stage for the future, Dune: Part One is one of the best examples of how to prepare the audience for what is to come.

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What Happens in Dune: Part Two?
Without giving everything away, I will mention the main topics and what happens in Dune: Part Two.
We continue to follow the legend that is Paul Atreides. Still with his mother, Lady Jessica, who we know is pregnant with his sister. The Fremen group they travel with is must more trusting, but still very wary of the outsiders.
Return of The Bene Gesserit Sisterhood

There are many points throughout the film where we finally get to the enemy of the Fremen, the Emperor (Played by Christopher Walken). In these scenes, we begin to see how much power (or lack thereof) he possesses.
Princess Irulan (played by Florence Pugh), is the loving daughter of the Emperor. There seems to be a connection between the two, with the Emperor even hearing the advice given from her regarding everything going on with House Atreides, House Harkonnen, and the planet Arrakis.
Not only is she the princess, but also a member of The Bene Gesserit Sisterhood. It comes to light that the Reverend Mother had also been pulling the strings on her life. While voicing her opinion in private, she realizes that her father will eventually be losing his position, with Reverend Mother calmly but sternly saying that he was meant to lose it this whole time.
Change of Ownership
Moving on to what I would consider the main antagonist of the film, we meet Feyd-Rautha (played by Austin Butler). The introduction to this character is just superb, getting the vibe from the character almost at one glance.
This psychopath of a character is not only intelligent but skilled as well. We meet him during a birthday mausoleum fight. This is one of the most intense and brilliantly shot scenes in the movie. Walking out from the shadows with normal colors surrounding him, into the absorbing light of the black sun, draining all color from the surroundings and creating this amazing black and white shot.
The Battle begins. The usual prisoners (survivors of House Atreides) are usually drugged, but one skilled fighter has not been given anything. Feyd-Rautha easily brings down the two, and after an intense but short-lived but entertaining battle, the supposed last member of House Atreides is taken down.
This mistake comes to light as not only a “gift” from the Baron but a test that was given to see if he would be worthy of taking command of Arrakis, which he “passes”.
Rise of the Messiah
Throughout most of the film, we watch this power battle between himself and his mother, who after drinking the water of life wants him to follow this path. In the background, his mother is constantly making preparations so that this future comes true. Lady Jessica is also advised by her embryo, Paul’s sister, Alia Atreides (played by Anya Taylor-Joy)
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DonateDonate monthlyDonate yearlyWhile much is unknown at the moment of this embryo, we do see the future version of her appear to Paul after he also partakes in this “water of life”. She came to being of course through the pregnancy, but she did not have an opinion on many things until Lady Jessica became the Reverend mother of the Fremen by taking in the elixir, giving her memories of all her ancestors.
In the film itself, we see that many prophecies have been coming true due to Paul’s actions. The Fremen, specifically Stigal, call him their Lisan Al Gaib (their prophet). His most notable fulfillment of prophecy in Dune: Part Two would have to be when Paul takes in this water of life, which supposedly can kill any man who drinks from it.
With the help of Chani, their relationship had grown tremendously at this point, she revives Paul with her tears. Which was, all along, also part of the prophecy. This for me was such an moving scene when we had been clearly told by Stilgar earlier, “Never give your water away, not even for the dead.”
Dune: Part Two Ending
“You cannot see the future without seeing the past.“
Lady Jessica, Reverend Mother
Paul has now ascended to his position as Messiah. He now has complete and clear visions with foresight of the possible futures. He recognizes that many paths will lead them to failure. Between all of that possible paths, he sees their golden path to freedom and success.
Alot happens in the final half-an-hour or so, with amazing film shots accompanied by masterfully constructed sounds. The Emperor arrives on Arrakis, accompanied by the Reverend Mother and his daughter. He demands to know who and why the messiah has not been taken. All while knowing that Paul Atreides had survived the attack he helped organize.
During this moment, Paul and the Fremen unleash attacks from an array of angles, detonating the secret stash of warheads that were hidden by Duke Leto Atreides. This creates a disturbance in the enemies’ shields along with rocks and sand filling the air. Creating the perfect terrain for the Freman to, almost easily with Paul’s new guidance, get into the “throne room” of the Emperor.
Paul finally gets revenge for his father’s death at the hands of the Baron and strikes him down. After holding them prisoner for a short amount of time, Paul lets the Emperor choose a champion for him to fight on his behalf. Feyd-Rautha is chosen to be the representative and before they begin one of the best lines in the movie is spoken.

“May your knife chip and shatter”, is repeated by both of them, then the battle begins. There is a swirl of blocks and jabs. It seems like Paul has been beaten as he is stabbed by the confident Feyd-Rautha. Suddenly, Paul has stabbed Feyd-Rautha, he had pulled the knife from the earlier strike out of its gash and used it against Feyd-Rautha.
Final Thoughts
Not too many three-hour-long movies have ever really impressed me. Nor has it ever swayed me to want to have a rewatch.
This is where Dune: Part Two changes my opinion.
The details and the sound mashing but working so well together is incredible. It truly is exactly what I hope space scenes would sound like. When the Emperor’s ship arrived on Arrakis, I was blown away by the visuals created by this giant orb-like ship. It flying around was like sensory overload in the best way possible. That is without going into detail about the complexity of how it looked when the shields were being blasted by rock and sand.
The ending shows us that Paul is going to continue the holy war that he was so against in the first half. The way the story can weave from here seems endless. What will happen to Paul and Chani? Will we get to see Paul’s sister, Alia Atreides? What exactly is this holy war? It of course has alot of unanswered questions, almost having it be a giant build-up for the next movie. Which I for one, can not wait to see.
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