Sawyer Bohannan
A Curated Collection
Hold Back The Dead! Is This Free Adventure Any Good?
The yearlong celebration of Dungeons & Dragons and its 50 years of celebration has brought us a lot of new material to mess around—for better…
What Was “The 700 Club” During The Satanic Panic?
The Satanic Panic was one of the last century’s most influential geek culture moments. Leading to over 12,000 reported cases of Satanic Ritual Abuse that…
D&D and the Unabomber: One Roll Away from Chaos
The Unabomber was an infamous eco-terrorist that ushered in an era of fear—that is why I decided to listen to a nearly 5 1/2 podcast…
What Exactly is the “Coffeelock” Infinite Spellslots Build?
Unlimited spell slots, endless frustration for your DM, and accessible as early as level 5? The Coffeelock is one of the most infamously despised builds…
How to One-Shot: The Art of The One Shot
Creating a Single-Session One Shot Adventure That Shines Dungeons & Dragons campaigns can be fantastic, extensive sagas, putting together stories of bravery and mystery over months or even years. Nonetheless, there’s a similarly captivating art form in the one shot adventure a standalone narrative crafted to be enjoyed within just a few hours.…
10 Monsters That’d Be Better Than Trump as President
After the recent, shocking election results, we found ourselves reflecting on our next steps as Americans. In the spirit of commentary, we decided to add…
How Does Co-DMing with Multiple People Create Better Stories?
Playing Dungeons & Dragons usually involves a single DM guiding a group of players through a shared adventure. However, we think that a campaign with…
Are The New Bastion Rules Even Worth Using?
After ten days, I finally got around to watching the Bastions video released by the official Dungeons and Dragons YouTube channel. After seeing an entire…
Behirs: The Most Underrated Monster in Dungeons and Dragons
Earlier this year, I had the opportunity to run a one-shot that followed my friends following a rumor that a nearby cave held some treasure…
West Marches Campaign: The Most Brilliant Way to Play
The West Marches Campaign playstyle is one of the most brilliant play methods ever introduced to Dungeons and Dragons. It makes the players excited for…