A New Auction Has Been Announced For Dimension 20!

Out of what seems like nowhere, Dimension 20 has stepped up once again and giving back to the community. If you would like to see the results of their last auction, check out – What Were the Results of Dimension 20’s Miniature Auction?

New charities, more miniatures, and moments from the show could very well be in your hands. With the release of Fantasy High: Junior Year, their storage has filled back up and they need to make room for future shows!

Video announcement from Dropout can be found here.

Who Is Benefitting From the Auction?

Fantasy High: Freshman Year

Last auction 100% of the profits from Dimension 20 went to Palestine Children’s Relief Fund. The total was an astounding $213,810.07, with a extensive breakdown for each item sold that can be found in our google sheet, here.

With almost a quarter of a million dollars collected from the multitude of auction waves, it seems Dimension 20 has widened their reach and are looking to help others in need (literally real life hero’s).

Fantasy High: Junior Year

With the success of another season, we can assume that fans will be flocking over to their auction website – auction.dropout.tv – for the chance to own a part of the most popular D&D shows in history.

But who will they be helping this time you may be asking yourself? You, behind the screen.

With the announcement video, they included a list of those that are involved. It looks like Palestine Children’s Relief Fund is coming back with the new addition of Asylum Access, Give Directly, Transgender Law Center, and The Improve Education Fund.

While all great causes, Give Directly hits a little closer to home with the funds going towards victims of the LA fires. The LA fires which occurred in January of 2025, that devastated and left many with their homes and all of their belongings destroyed.

The great thing about all of this? You can donate ANYTIME, so check them out and help support a cause that Dimension 20 supports!

When is the Auction?

First Wave – March 10th

Second Wave – March 14th

Third Wave – March 24th

The official “waves”, just as last time, will start on a Monday and close that following Friday. Dimension 20 already has the listings for the first wave, which we will talk about shortly. The official timeline, stated from their video, will be March 10th-28th for everything to conclude.

Miniatures, Tableaus, and More!

IMAGE SOURCE: Auction.dropout.tv

Now what we have all been waiting for, what can you expect from the first wave? From their auction website, we can currently tell they will be bidding off 39 items. Mostly miniatures of our favorite characters, like Conor Counterspell or Rage Conor Counterspell, mixed in with a few tableaus models taken right out the story.

At the current moment we have two of the bad kids , Fig and Fabian, in some of their action poses. Most likely we will see some more of our beloved intrepid hero’s spread out through the waves.

Even with that in mind, there are still some exciting “faces” to look out for. If you enjoyed the wastelands fight against the Yorbies or the phantasmal look of the Astral Mall fight, then this auction is for you. In general it looks like most of the minis/tableaus will be coming from these two fights.

What Will Be Auctioned in the Other Waves?

Wave 2

So this begs the question of what will the other waves include? We know the wasteland/astral mall take place one after the other. If they follow this pattern, then Fracas at the Frostyfaire Folk Festival (episode 8) could be included in the next wave. We can only hope that the abominations that were shown in that episode will be included.

If they decide to include at least two battle maps like wave one, then we should also be on the lookout for A Very Merry Moonar Yulenea (episode 11).

Wave 3

Following suit, expect the last wave to include the rest of the battles. This is including minis and tableaus from The Last Stand (episode 15). Not only that, but the final battle Ragenarok (Part 1) (episode 19) should hopefully be included.

Keen readers may have thought I missed Rock the Boat (episode 18). While we hope for there to be a massive tableau from this interaction, we have a feeling it may be a mini or two from this battle. If Dimension 20 sticks to about 40 minis a drop, they may have to pick through and leave some of them out/ kept for personal reasons.

Final Thoughts

We can not wait for this event to start! Not only do the fans get the chance to own one of their favorite characters (made by Rick Perry), but you get to help out an amazing cause.

We are going to leave the links for the auction below, but also the charities that Dimension 20 is covering. Even if you can not get the mini you’re looking for, you still have the chance to show your support the cause that D20 supports. Good luck to everyone and may your bid be the highest!


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