With the release of the new Dungeons Master’s Guide on November 12th, it is expected to create some exciting uproar in the DND community. Some have had the foresight to call this latest iteration 5.5e, while Wizards of the Coast have coined the term OneDND. But let’s look at what we have already received – the Players Handbook.
New or old, TTRPG players will have some much needed updates that make the game not only more fun to play, but easier to introduce to your friends. Call it whatever, but none the less we have a lot of subjects to go over in the new edition of the Players Handbook 2024.
What’s New To The Players Handbook?
It looks like Wizards of the Coast have put some time and effort into this new creation. Over the years since the release of 5th edition in 2014, there have been numerous complaints from the fan base. Specifically from new players, who found everything overwhelming.
Even with the eventual complaints that will arise with OneDND, it is without a doubt a huge stepping stone. D&DBeyond rolled out brand new character sheets, with step-by-step instructions on how to create your character which will be touched upon in the Players Handbook 2024. The main changes that were released are as follow.
- Updates to existing classes
- Reworked Backgrounds, Species, and Feats
- Weapon Master to Weapons
- 100+ pages of spells
- Expanded Guide to Playing the Game
- Revamped Artwork
- Appendices that summarize all of the main rules terminology
- And more…
Just from the list alone, you can tell that their main concern was updating or revamping existing rules. Like previous editions, Wizards of the Coast is not trying to create something new but bring clarification to what already exists.
Dungeons and Dragons is amazing because of the concept of the game. To create something new would just be a shadow of what already exists. We, the players, are sure to at least appreciate the simplifications. These have no doubt have one time or another caused heated arguments at the table.
Classes in Dungeons and Dragons 2024
The 12 classes we have come to love have continued their journey in the new Players Handbook. Each of the 12 classes will come with four subclasses, with new or remastered features to help improve/streamline the gameplay. From short readings, it looks like this will be a major component of the game. Especially if they are hoping to draw in new players to the game.
What we couldn’t wait to see from the 48 subclasses is the creation of three never-before-seen options.
Not only can we expect the three new subclasses, but as mentioned earlier there will be expansions to the subject itself. For example, the subclasses formally known as Way of the Four Elements and Wild Magic Sorcery Sorcerer will be gaining major refinements. Way of the Four Elements will now be called Warrior of the Elements Monk while the Wild Magic section will receive an updated Wild Magic Surge Table.
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In all honesty, I have never really focused my character building on the limitations that were backgrounds. With the new Players Handbook, we are about to see a considerable amount of changes in the story of your character.
Origins will now be a huge part of character creation. While it is similar to how the game is run now, Wizards of the Coast have now put an emphasis on it. From the class selection, you will then be beckoned to choose your character’s origin. This format will rely heavily on what happened before you became an adventurer, and what got you there in the first place.
The Players Handbook 2024 now includes 16 backgrounds, from the Farmer to the Wayfarer, 10 species, and 75 feats. For keen-eyed readers, you will notice an increase in core rule species that are playable. Aasimar, Goliath, and Orc have now been included, with humans even getting changes to them.
There will have to be extensive research into these backgrounds if you are hoping to max out character sheets. Why you may ask? Species will no longer cause an adjustment to ability scores, with the backgrounds themselves taking over.
Tied in with your background now, each backstory will now come with a specific feat. These specified feats will now be categorized as Origin Feats.
That is not all that has been changed, Epic Boon feats (which are being introduced) will only be available for high-level characters. These are a great representation of the growth of your powers. These new feats will show you’re at your pinnacle and will be able to be used in various ways.
“Whether you choose to gain proficiency in all skills, master the art of short-range teleportation, or something else, Epic Boon feats are another way to customize your play experience”
Playing as a New Player to DND
As we have talked about over and over, the inclusion of new players seems to be a huge must. There were moments when starting Dungeons and Dragons years ago that felt like it was all too much without any explanation. This old system is gone and has been replaced with a far superior teaching style.
Described as an expansive play guide, early chapters will focus on key terms. Over time we learn a lot of terms that seem obvious now, but as a new player, you can look back and see how others may not comprehend it. There will even be a section of combat that has sidebars breaking down the game mechanics as the game occurs.
Going back to character creation, the step-by-step instructions will make the game that much more streamlined. An annotated character sheet will now help new players get explanations of different aspects of the sheet itself.
Something that will be new for both players new and old, will be bastions, which will be released in the Dungeon Masters Guide. Check out more information on it here – Are The New Bastion Rules Even Worth Using?
Overall Improvements in The Players Handbook 2024
While not extensively gone over in this article, there are still many other aspects that will be seen when the game comes out. Something we are personally excited about will be the revamped artwork.
For example, there will be art that helps depict almost everything talked about in this article. Each background and species will get art that helps the player envision what their life was like before taking the high road of an adventurer.
If you are a player that deals with weaponry, then the Weapon Master to Weapons will be a valuable resource. Each weapon presented in the Players Handbook in 2024 will now have a master property. If you use one or two weapons, switching between the two, just know your efforts will not be in vain.
Finally, the last thing we would like to mention is the expansive amount of pages just to deal with spells. In this new edition, expect to see 100+ pages of spells, with updates to rules and new spells not seen before. Want to hear about one of our favorite spells? Check out What is a Shillelagh? The Best Spell in Your Arsenal
If you want to learn more about the Monsters and Dungeon Masters Guide that are also coming out in 2024, check out Everything You Need To Know About the 2024 Player’s Handbook!

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